About Me

Husband, father of three, pilot of turbines and tailwheels, creator, learner.

Over 15 years and several thousand flight hours ago, I began an adventure in aviation, and I had no idea what I was doing or where I would go. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve listened, and I am still enjoying the adventure of aviation. 

My Aircraft Management is a resource of lessons learned and the finer points of flight department management and business aviation operations. 

My hope is to provide useful content for others. To take the complex and simplify it to the essential and practical. Welcome.

 ~  Robbie Moon

Extraordinary Experiences

  • G-VII, G-280, CL-30, L-39 Type Ratings

  • 11 Trans-Atlantic crossings in PC-12

  • 3rd & 4th place finish in STOL competition



  • 10+ years of business aviation operational experience

  • 5000+ flight hours

  • 14+ years married to my best friend

Core Values

We have a growing list of family mottos in our house. Guideposts to help us decide and navigate life. Some of the best advice I’ve received is what I’ve tried to teach my kids:

  • Do the right thing, the right way, as best you can.

  • We don't do things because they are easy; we do things because they are hard. - JFK paraphrase

  • Predicting the future is hard work.

  • It’s a good day to have a good day.


An international operations how-to guide for crossing the Atlantic along the Blue Spruce Routes and flying around Europe.

Operational guides for building a premier flight department.