
A journey across the Blue Spruce Routes to Europe.

  • I was two months into my new job, just upgraded to the left seat of a PC-12, and enjoying building and tinkering with a small flight department of my own. The boss and I were talking in the hangar before a flight one day and he dropped a bomb on me: we’re flying to Europe in June.

    Are you serious? At first, I wasn’t sure if it was a pipe dream or a mission. Well, it was a mission, and the next four months preparing for the trip stretched me more as a pilot than anything else before.

    At the time, I had ZERO international operational experience—not Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, nothing. And my first trip would be crossing the Atlantic and flying around Europe. I was completely unqualified and didn’t even know where to start to get ready for this adventure.

    This guide is born out of that experience. Starting from ground zero and leading you on the path to make a successful trip from the US, across the Blue Spruce routes, appropriate tech stops, and into Europe.

    The following articles walk you through the necessary paperwork, required equipment, relevant resources, and beyond. While they are based on my experience completing several successful crossings in light aircraft, the information extends to other international operations.

    The guide is under continual development, and new content is added regularly. I appreciate your patience.



North Atlantic Training

