A Runway Excursion Excursion
Domestic Robbie Moon Domestic Robbie Moon

A Runway Excursion Excursion

Based on the data from NBAA’s guide, "Reducing Runway Excursions in Business Aviation,” practical suggestions are offered that reassess takeoff, landing, and go-around considerations.

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Domestic CPDLC
Domestic Robbie Moon Domestic Robbie Moon

Domestic CPDLC

Enroute CPDLC is now live for most of US domestic airspace and will be fully operational by Spring 2025. L3 Harris has a CPDLC portal that is your go-to source for applying and learning about the new procedures.

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RVSM Authorizations
Domestic Robbie Moon Domestic Robbie Moon

RVSM Authorizations

To “self-authorize” your operation for RVSM via the ADS-B exemption, ensure your aircraft qualifies, the crew are properly training, and complete a little bit of paperwork. International operations will require a full RVSM LOA from the FSDO.

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Inoperative Equipment
Domestic Robbie Moon Domestic Robbie Moon

Inoperative Equipment

A Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Letter of Authorization (LOA) is necessary for a turbine aircraft to depart with inoperative instruments or equipment. A Special Flight Permit is needed if the item cannot be deferred via a MEL. The primary source of information is AC 91-67.

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